Telegram has the reputation of being the most advanced messenger, and it's usually used by the most advanced users. It's important for you to be on their level, and Planfix lets you do so.
We will help you create a company Telegram bot and link it to Planfix. It will be the face of your company in Telegram and an interface for communicating with Telegram users.
Your coworkers will work with this channel in the Planfix interface, taking advantage of all its benefits. You'll be able to automatically delegate requests, quickly add specialists as needed, communicate privately with coworkers, create reports, and track specific sections.
A client writes a message to your company Telegram account
A profile is created in Planfix for the client, as well as a task for processing the client's request
Your coworkers see the request in Planfix and communicate with the client
How does it work?
All communication is contained in one place. Nothing is lost. Even if the employee who began the conversation with the client gets sick or goes on vacation, their coworkers will be able to pick up the conversation where it was left off. The client won't even notice that anything changed. On their end, they'll be communicating the whole time with the company Telegram bot, which usually has the same name as your company.
What you and your coworkers see in Planfix
What your clients see in the Telegram chat
Why is this more convenient than regular Telegram chat?
Conversations with each client or remote employee take place in separate threads (Telegram dialogs and Planfix tasks). Each problem is solved separately, by the appropriate employee and within a reasonable amount of time.
Better organization
You set the rules by which tasks are submitted "upstream" to different company departments or offices and distributed among employees.
Workload allocation
Reports will show who processed different requests, when they were processed, how many were processed, and which requests exactly were worked on. If there were setbacks. Where the weak spots are. This will be the basis for salaries and managerial decisions.
Company bots always remain company property. Employees who no longer work for your company will never be able to divert requests away from the company to their own Telegram accounts.
Complete security

Telegram integration with Planfix is more advanced that other integrations. In addition to using company bots, you can set up Telegram notifications for your employees for new tasks or comments addressed to them. By linking company Telegram chats to Planfix, you are able to create new projects and tasks directly within Telegram conversations, using special commands.

Telegram bot turn Planfix into a CRM system, sales department, client support service, or ordering window. Add Telegram as a channel for communicating with your clients.

With the answer directory, you can quickly respond to common customer questions by clicking on
an asterisk in the comment.

Planfix Integrations

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