Set up a hierarchy of objects with the desired structure, complexity, and nesting. Sorting and segmenting make it easy to work with the complex projects.
Use the many tools available in Planfix to clearly assign tasks to employees and monitor the results of their work.
All tasks in Planfix can be displayed in one place, in the Planner. Task statuses and their corresponding colors make it easy to track how work is progressing.
Planfix Integrations
Planfix supports integrations with many services. Integrations make Planfix incredibly versatile.
Use ready-made solutions to speed up Planfix integration in your company, or ask our certified partners for help.
Planfix enables you to create automated workflows of any complexity, streamlining teamwork and boosting productivity with a range of powerful automation tools.
Use Cases
What’s New in Planfix: July and August 2024
Key Planfix updates for July and August 2024. Discover what's new on the platform, which new features have been added, and how the system has improved.
What Are the Benefits of Project Management Software?
Explore the advantages of integrating project management software into a workflow. Delve into the 12 key benefits of project management tools at Planfix blog.
Case Study: How to Set Up a Kanban Board in Planfix
Discover how to set up a Kanban board in Planfix for streamlined project management and improved team productivity. Learn more on Planfix blog!
Use Planfix comments to see how things are going in a given task. Record your correspondence to later be able to recall.