Email Planfix CRM and Project Management System


Use email to remotely assign Planfix tasks to employees, and use rules to process incoming emails and create tasks automatically.

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Creating Tasks by Email

Assign employees Planfix tasks by sending them emails.

Creating Tasks by Email Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Adding Comments by Email

Respond to email notifications from Planfix tasks directly from email. Your response will be added to the task as a new comment.

Project Email Addresses

Send an email to a project email address to create a new task in the project.

Employee's Internal Email Address

Send an email to a special employee email address and the email will be turned into a task with this employee as the assignee.

Forwarding Emails to Planfix

Set up email forwarding to Planfix and process emails in a shared feed with tasks and messages received via other channels.

Virtual Email Addresses

Create virtual email addresses to receive and process email in Planfix from different email addresses with different rules.

Rules for Creating Tasks by Email

Create rules by which emails sent to Planfix will be converted into tasks.

Rules for Creating Tasks by Email Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Tracking Sent and Read Mail

Track the sent and read statuses of emails. Each task or comment has a corresponding symbol for sent and read.

Tracking Sent and Read Mail Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Incoming Email Log

Planfix logs the 100 most recent incoming emails. Any email in the log can be reprocessed, which comes in handy when setting up rules.

DKIM Signature

Planfix supports DKIM technology, which protects personal data and helps fight spam.

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