Processes and Scripts Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Processes and Scripts

Define the stages of a task's life cycle by adding statuses, and create chains of automated actions. After all, the robots should be doing the work!

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Process Management

Manage the life cycle of tasks using status sets and scripts.

Status Sets

Define what statuses a task or object created based on a task can have during its lifecycle.

Status Sets Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Process Filters

Find the process you need quickly and easily using the filter.

Rules for Status Changes

Describe all paths a task can take in its lifecycle and specify variants of transitions from status to status.

Contact Scripts

Set up automatic sequences of operations on contacts that are linked to specific events and sets of conditions.

Task Scripts

Set up automatic sequences of operations on tasks that are linked to specific events and sets of conditions.

Task Scripts Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Delaying Scripts

Create and set up trigger scripts with delay.

Script Filters

Find the script you need easily using the search feature.

Script Testing Mode

Before running a script, test its settings to be sure that it works correctly.

Script Log

Monitor how and when scripts are running in the script log.

Button Groups

Create groups for buttons with different operations on tasks and contacts.


Add additional buttons to tasks and contacts for completing sets of operations.

Buttons Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Using Webhooks

Use special links to automatically run preconfigured operations in Planfix.

Using Webhooks Planfix CRM and Project Management System

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