Contacts Planfix CRM and Project Management System


Add contacts, clients, or partners to Planfix, storing the details of your entire work history so you can easily manage future work with them.

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Companies and Contacts

Use Planfix to work with both individuals and businesses.

Companies and Contacts Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Contact Groups

Group contacts by various attributes.

Contact Templates

Use templates for adding new clients to Planfix with the data you need.

Synchronization with Google Contacts

Synchronize your contacts with Google Contacts so you can use the calendar you're used to.

Synchronization with Google Contacts Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Custom Fields

Add important fields to contact cards so they contain all the data you need.

Exporting Contacts

Export contact data from Planfix to transfer to other services, such as email services.

Customizable Lists

Filter contacts by different conditions and add them to lists as needed.

Access to Contacts

Set up different access levels to contact data for employees, protecting sensitive information.

Access to Contacts Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Importing Contacts

Upload and update Company and Contact data into Planfix from different sources.

Contact Filters

Make it easier to find contacts by different parameters.

Integration with Mail Services

Add lists of contacts from Planfix to your mail services to expand how you work with email marketing.

Integration with Mail Services Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Grouping Contacts

Group contacts based on various attributes such as the type of work they do.

Sorting Contacts

Sort contacts by various parameters for use in lists and for easy access.

Contact Comments

Lets you see the entire work history with a contact in one place, and you can also add client information.

Finding Duplicates

Planfix automatically warns you when it identifies duplicate contacts, and you can choose whether or not to delete one.

Finding Duplicates Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Bulk Contact Changes

Select multiple contacts and apply the desired changes.

Contact Projects

Open a list of projects that the given contact or company is a counterparty in.

Communication via Different Channels

Use integrations to communicate with clients using the methods they find most convenient.

Communication via Different Channels Planfix CRM and Project Management System

Contact Tasks

The checklist contains a list of tasks in which this contact or company is participating in any role.

Contact Documents

Download and view documents linked to a contact or company.

Contact Reports

Launch any report with a single click; the report will be filtered by a contact or company.

Contact Log

Keep a contact card's change history at your fingertips.

Favorite Contacts

Add contacts to your favorites for easy access.

Contact Recycle Bin

When contacts are deleted, they're sent to the recycle bin. You can restore them as needed.

Use all of Planfix's features for 14 days, completely free of charge

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