Ideas: capturing, discussing, and implementing

Record ideas wherever you are


Don’t overlook great ideas!

Capture ideas wherever you are

Research them alone or as a team

Engage colleagues in discussions
Features configuration
Quick capture: Add an idea directly via the quick task creation bar
Refine and organize before presenting
Easily involve colleagues in discussions
Implement ideas within the same tasks where they were recorded
This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
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Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination


Argon A bot that provides hints within tasks.
Discussion participants Select colleagues who will participate in the discussion in this field.
Tags Helps structure tasks and categorize ideas.
Idea draft The initial stage of recording an idea.
Refine and enhance In this status, you can conduct a detailed analysis and description of the idea.
Discuss with colleagues Move the idea to this status when it is ready for discussion.
Ideas Automating the idea management process.
Ideas A template for creating all ideas.
Employee ideas A report displaying employee ideas grouped by tags
Ideas A Kanban board for a clear and organized approach to managing ideas.
This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
If you haven't
signed up yet
If you're already rockin'
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Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination

Solution Price:

This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
If you haven't
signed up yet
If you're already rockin'
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Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination