
Manage the design department by prioritizing the completion of tasks


Organize your design department's workflow in just an hour

Create tasks for the company’s structural unit

Prioritize task completion

Monitor task progress grouped by individual designers
Features configuration
Create tasks for the design department
Prioritize task execution
Monitor designers' workload
Group tasks by designers
Track task completion statuses
Customize to fit your company's needs
This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
If you haven't
signed up yet
If you're already rockin'
Install solution
Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination


Designers Employee group for designers
Project managers Employee group for project managers
Review Task status
Prioritization The process contains all necessary task statuses.
Tasks for designers Template for creating tasks for designers.
Prioritization Solution planner
This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
If you haven't
signed up yet
If you're already rockin'
Install solution
Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination

Solution Price:

This ready-made solution is a great opportunity to get started with Planfix
If you haven't
signed up yet
If you're already rockin'
Install solution
Feel free to use other ready-made Planfix solutions,
either individually or in combination