Time tracking is a standard type of tracking that helps you analyze time your company is spending on individual and group tasks.
Track time for hybrid or fully remote teams to analyze workloads by tasks and projects for a select period.
Predict timelines and costs for product development. Track costs on human resources and the overall employee workload.
Keep track of hours, and set hourly rates for employees, contractors, or freelancers who work on company projects.
Manage projects with Planfix. CRM with time tracking allows you to track employees' working hours and their efficiency of project work and predict the deadlines for a project. Analyze the collected data and watch how the projects progress over time.
Analyze each employee's time spent on certain types of tasks to develop a system for incentivizing them or referring them for additional training.
Record actual working time for tasks directly in Planfix without the need for third-party applications.
Run reports for data analysis. Monitor the efficiency of your employees, strategies, and business processes.