Workspaces Planfix CRM and Project Management System


A workspace is a tool to customize a company's or individual employee's work interface. Personalize the main menu and additional menus, objects, sections, and color scheme.

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workspace features workspace for teams workspace for yourself workspace for external users learn more about external user access in planfix planners selected reports
Workspace Features — Workspaces

Workspace Features

Add only the necessary objects and sections. Set up planners to see the steps and objects needed. Grant access to workspaces to any employee, department, or client. Choose color schemes to make your work in Planfix more pleasant.

Workspace for Teams — Workspaces

Workspace for Teams

Customize each team's workspace. Simplify teams' work by showing only the sections and objects in their interface. For instance, the design department doesn't need the Reports section that the accounting department does.

Workspace for Yourself — Workspaces

Workspace for Yourself

Customize the Planfix interface to your needs: display only the features of the system you are using.


Create your own planners with all the lists you need to make work more comfortable for yourself and your employees.

Menus with Just What You Need

Only display the links and buttons in the interface that you need. This makes work easier for employees.

Allowed Operations

Manage access to buttons in a workspace. Employees won't be able to cause issues by performing the wrong operation.
Workspace for External Users — Workspaces

Workspace for External Users

Set up workspaces for clients and grant them access to tasks and projects that involve them. Make it easier for your clients to work with an individual workspace.

Selected Reports

Show links to frequently used reports in the menu so you can access them quickly as needed.

Links to Other Resources

Add links to other resources to a workspace's menu for quick and easy access.

Color Scheme

Set up the color scheme of a workspace to make longer work sessions easier.
Customizable access for employees and clients. Limit workspace access for employees if you need to keep hidden sensitive information related to other departments or divisions.
Learn more about external User Access in Planfix

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