Task management offers numerous benefits whether you’re working collaboratively or on your own. A variety of task management programs are available to optimize your workflow, ranging from traditional calendars and notepads to advanced apps and online platforms.

In this article, we explore the features of the best task management software tools and provide recommendations tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Task management tools are crucial for efficiently managing individual or team projects. Task management programs provide:

Enhanced Efficiency

These team task management tools help you organize tasks, create to-do lists, prioritize, and set deadlines. With these capabilities, every team member knows what tasks need completion and their deadlines. Most online task management tools also feature automation, deadline reminders, and progress tracking.

Optimized Communication

IT task management software facilitates file sharing, comments, and updates, which enhances team interaction. The best applications for task management also support the creation of shared tasks and group chats, making coordination easier and increasing transparency in the work process.

Minimized Stress

Using task organization software can reduce the stress associated with managing multiple tasks and deadlines. Tools for task management organize the workflow to minimize information overload and allow you to concentrate on crucial tasks.

Improved Decision-Making

Team task management tools that generate reports, tables, and charts enable users to visualize data and spot important trends and patterns. These task organization tools also provide comprehensive data on task statuses, timelines, and necessary resources, supporting informed and balanced decision-making.

Top Best Task Management Software Tools

Task Management Software can offer simplifications and considerable streamlining of your work, increasing project management efficiency. Each solution offers unique features and benefits to cater to different needs and working styles—from robust tools for managing complex projects to intuitive apps for daily tasks.

1. Planfix

Planfix is an advanced business process management system designed for people who understand their business needs. It offers more features and deeper task analysis than typical project management programs. What makes Planfix better than other “all-in-one” systems?

Source: https://planfix.com/

Key Planfix Features

Planfix offers a wide range of task management tools that meet the needs of companies of all sizes:

  • Automated Task Distribution: Optimizes task management by enabling rules for automatic task assignment based on set parameters, simplifying and speeding up employee workload distribution.
  • Assignment Management: You can set a task due date so that it appears in employees’ calendars and helps them plan their work. If a task is overdue, you’ll receive a notification.
  • Workload Planning: In Planfix, tasks can be displayed in different formats to provide a comprehensive overview of employees’ workloads. This feature simplifies workload management as users can easily prioritize tasks on the screen.
  • Track progress and intermediate results: Receive instant notifications regarding issues or delays so you can take immediate countermeasures instead of discovering a problem when a task is already overdue.
  • Time tracking: Employees can manually enter time spent on tasks, use a timer to track their progress, or view the total time spent on a task or project.
  • Performance Reports and Analysis: Standard reports show employees’ work efficiency. You can also create your own and include specific information.
  • Priorities: Like other Planfix features, time tracking is also customizable. You can integrate your catalogs or set fixed rates for each customer.
  • Notifications: Are you worried about forgetting important tasks? Add a reminder in Planfix, and the platform will notify you immediately.
  • Reminders: Click on the reminder on your phone or browser, and you’ll be redirected to the relevant task to take the necessary action.
  • Recurring tasks: Create recurring tasks for routine situations, such as preparing quarterly reports or paying rent. Assignees will automatically receive these tasks at the specified time and frequency, saving you time and optimizing your workflow.
  • Additional management functions: Keep track of all tasks with automatic checks and notifications. Add reminders for individual tasks or set general rules for specific task types. You can even set reminders for all tasks across different workflows.

Planfix Integrations

Planfix offers a wide range of integrations that enable seamless data synchronization and work process management across different online task management tools:

  • Messenger and social media: Communicate with your customers on their preferred platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, or Telegram.
  • Email and newsletter services: Take your emails and newsletters to the next level with Planfix.
  • Virtual PBX: Connect Planfix to your virtual PBX and expand your capabilities.
  • SMS integration: Automate SMS sending and receive high-quality reports.
  • Data management: Work with data to reach new heights. Plan events and organize group work.
  • Cloud storage: Working with files stored in the cloud is just as easy as with locally stored files.
  • Connection services: You can connect Planfix with many other applications — without programming or special knowledge.
  • Mapping services: Get the most out of Planfix with mapping services.

Planfix Advantages

Among Planfix functions for efficient teamwork on tasks and projects are:

  • Free plan: Planfix offers a free version of its product that allows users to familiarize themselves with the platform’s features and advantages at no financial cost.
  • 14-day trial: The trial version allows users to test all the platform’s functions and determine whether it meets their needs.
  • Trial features: During the trial period, users have access to all the features and capabilities of Planfix, allowing them to fully evaluate the platform’s benefits.
  • Extended support: Provides high-quality technical support to help users resolve questions or issues.
  • Intuitive interface: The platform’s intuitive user interface makes it easy and convenient for all skill levels.
  • Training area: This area provides extensive training materials and resources, including video tutorials, articles, and user guides to help users master all the platform’s capabilities.
  • Suitable for many sectors and directions: Adapts to different sectors and business directions, making it an appropriate tool for use in various industries and fields of activity.

Planfix Cons

  • Limited number of task templates in the free version.
  • Configuring the system may appear complicated for beginners due to the large range of features.

Planfix Cost and Free Version

Planfix offers a flexible pricing structure for startups and small teams, including free versions. The flexibility of this platform allows you to scale the product alongside your project development and, together with the task management tools, make it a single information hub for your entire team:

  • Free – $0 for up to 5 users,
  • Plan A – $8 for 1 – 99 users,
  • Plan B – $18 for 1 – 250 users,
  • Plan X – $28 for 6+ users.

2. Trello

Trello is a task management program that allows users to organize their work. This task assignment app enables users to manage tasks, track progress, and organize projects.

The functional principle of Trello utilizes the Kanban board concept. Each board represents a workspace where users can create lists containing cards with tasks or other work items.

Source: https://trello.com/

Key Trello Features

Trello offers many tools for work; let’s take a look at a few of them: 

  • Board view: Boards can be customized and divided into lists and cards to manage tasks.
  • Trello cards: Cards can contain text, files, to-do lists, deadlines, and much more.
  • No-code automation: There is functionality that enables the automation of tasks.
  • Power-ups: Users can add additional features, e.g., diagrams, calendars, and checklists.
  • Priorities: Setting priorities for tasks to determine their importance and urgency.
  • Notifications: Notifications of new comments, card moves, and other events.
  • Customization Dashboard:  You can choose colors, labels, board templates, and other parameters.

Trello Integrations

Trello offers an extensive list of integrations with various programs, such as Slack, Drive, GitHub, Microsoft Teams, Evernote, Dropbox, Miro, Jira, Salesforce, Google Calendar, Zoho, and others.

Trello Pros

  • Variability of panel settings.
  • Extensive list of integrations.
  • Unlimited number of users in the free plan.
  • Helpful visual overview of projects.
  • There are no restrictions on cards in the free plan.

Trello Cons

  • Security features on high-tier plans.
  • No priority support until the premium plan.
  • Tracking multiple projects is difficult on the lower plans.
  • Trello has limited storage on the basic plans, which is a hindrance for data-intensive projects.
  • Large roadmaps are not easy to share.

Trello Costs and Free Version

Trello offers an unlimited number of cards with its free plan.

  • Free plan: Trello offers a free plan for individuals or small teams. However, it is limited in boards, storage space, and workspaces.
  • Standard plan: You get unlimited boards and expanded to-do lists for $6 or $5 per month (annually). Limited workspaces and storage space.
  • Enterprise Plan: $12.50 per month or $10 per month (annually), including multiple views and desktop-level templates.
  • Premium plan: From $17.50 per user per month (annually) for about 50 users.

3. Asana

Asana is an online task management software for managing projects and team tasks. Users can manage their tasks, projects, and workflows virtually.

With Asana task management software, you can create tasks, set deadlines, track progress, share comments and files, and receive notifications about events and updates.

Source: https://asana.com/

Key Asana Features

Asana offers all the usual functions for work. Let’s look at the most useful team task management tools: 

  • Time tracking.
  • Automatic invoicing.
  • Task dependencies.
  • AI-powered reports.
  • Timelines and calendars.
  • Pre-built templates.
  • Real-time project status.
  • Templates for task management.
  • Zero-code workflow builder. 

Asana Integrations

Some of Asana’s integrations include popular software products such as Salesforce, Slack, Gmail, CSV importer, Google Workspace, Dropbox, OneDrive, GitHub, Jira, Evernote, and Zapier.

Asana Pros

  • There are many unlimited features in all plans.
  • Well-designed templates.
  • Supports third-party app integrations.
  • Unlimited number of free guests.
  • No minimum number of users.
  • User-friendly interface.

Asana Cons

  • Expensive plans.
  • Custom branding is only available on the Enterprise plan.
  • 24/7 support is only available for Enterprise plan users.
  • Communication features are not up to the mark.
  • Notifications can sometimes be frustrating because of excessive emails sent to users. 

Asana Cost and Free Version

Asana offers an unlimited number of tasks and projects in the free version. 

  • Personal: Free for up to 10 users, including individuals and small teams, with simple requirements.
  • Starter: $13.49 or $10.99 per month (annually), includes multiple views and desktop-level templates for growing teams that need to create project plans with confidence.
  • Advanced: $30.49 per month, or $24.99 per month when charged annually.

4. Wrike

Wrike is a task management app that allows users to plan, track, and manage tasks in real time.

The main goals of Wrike are project management, increasing team productivity, and internal organizational transparency. 

Source: https://wrike.com/

Key Wrike Features

  • Customizable tasks.
  • Time tracking.
  • Customized statuses and templates.
  • Reminders.
  • Customizable workflows and task dependencies.
  • Automation rules for process optimization. 

Wrike Integrations

Wrike’s integrations include Dropbox, Google Drive, Gmail, Asana, HubSpot, Jenkins, Mailchimp, Replicon, Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and others.

Wrike Pros

  • Highly customizable.
  • Open API available for all plans.
  • Multiple ways to visualize progress.
  • Helpful templates to speed up projects.
  • Integrated time tracking. 

Wrike Cons

  • Expensive plans.
  • Most security features are only available on the Enterprise and Pinnacle plans.
  • Extensive customization options are only available on the higher-tier plans.
  • More integrations can slow down the speed of work.
  • Not the most user-friendly interface.

Wrike Cost and Free Version

Wrike offers Free plan that is ideal for teams just starting.

  • Professional plan: $80/user/month for growing teams.
  • Business plan: $24.80/user/month for teams in an organization.
  • Enterprise Plan: Price available on request, this plan is recommended for large organizations.
  • Pinnacle plan: Price is on request and includes advanced tools and analytics.

5. ClickUp

ClickUp is a task management software that helps small businesses and teams manage their work. It provides task-tracking tools to create deadlines, track progress, share comments and files, and generate project and task reports

ClickUp’s primary goals are to improve project management, increase workflow transparency, and provide comprehensive task solutions.

Source: https://clickup.com/

Key ClickUp Features

  • Custom roles.
  • Dynamic recurring tasks.
  • Customizable board view.
  • Supports time tracking and blocking.
  • Task checklist feature for creating to-do lists.
  • Built-in priority levels for tasks.
  • Easy to use, code-free interface.

ClickUp Integrations

The list of pre-built integrations with ClickUp includes Evernote, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, HubSpot, Figma, Loom, Sentry, Dropbox, Clockify, and Calendly.

ClickUp Pros

  • Extended free plan.
  • Unlimited file storage on all paid levels.
  • Time tracking on all plans.
  • Internal chat messages.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Detailed reporting features.

ClickUp Cons

  • Automations are limited every month for all plans.
  • Most security features are only available in the higher-priced plans.
  • Higher learning curve compared to other apps.
  • Complicated the setup process.
  • Some delays during testing.

ClickUp Cost and Free Version

ClickUp offers a free plan for individual use, but it is limited. 

  • Free plan: Basic features.
  • Ultimate plan: $5/user/month for small teams.
  • Business plan: $12/user/month for mid-sized teams.
  • Enterprise plan: $19/user/month for large teams.

6. Monday.com

Monday.com is a project, task, and workflow management platform marketed as a “business operating system”. 

Its main goal is to improve communication, collaboration, and project control by offering flexible workspace settings, customizable boards, templates, and integration with other tools. 

Source: https://monday.com/

Key Monday.com Features

 Monday.com offers many task management features. Let’s look at a few:

  • Time tracking.
  • Unlimited number of boards.
  • Customizable templates.
  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Visual dashboards.
  • Timeline and Gantt view.

Monday.com Integrations

The integrations available with the Monday.com service include Slack, Google Drive, DocuSign, Gmail, Google Calendar, Jira, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, and Typeform. 

Monday.com Pros

  •  Easily customizable interface.
  • Free plan.
  • Unlimited number of documents on all plans.
  • Custom dashboards.
  • Strong focus on collaboration.

Monday.com Cons

  • A minimum of three users for the lower-priced plan.
  • Time tracking is only available on the higher-priced plans.
  • Limited storage space.
  • Gantt charts are only available on the mid-level plans.

Monday.com Cost and Free Version

Monday.com offers Free plan up to two users.

  • Basic plan: €9/user/month for a small team.
  • Standard plan: €12/user/month for a small company.
  • Pro plan: €19/user/month for large groups.
  • Enterprise plan: Offers exclusive benefits for companies.

7. Todoist

Todoist is an app for business task management. It contains online task management tools for setting goals, task classification labels, and central task descriptions.

Todoist focuses primarily on task management and offers detailed daily to-do lists, the ability to set priorities, and the ability to track deadlines. 

Source: https://todoist.com/

Key Todoist Features

Let’s look at several useful features that the Todoist offers:

  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Task dependencies for specific actions.
  • Task scheduling and tracking.
  • Calendar management.
  • Notifications. 

Todoist Integrations

Among Todoist’s integrations are Google Drive, Google Maps, Dropbox, Apple Maps, Calendar Sync, Slack, Zapier, and others.

Todoist Pros

  • User-friendly interface.
  • Generous free plan.
  • Synchronization across devices.
  • The system saves completed tasks.
  • Notifications in real-time. 

Todoist Cons

  • The task duration feature requires a Business Workspace add-on.
  • Not suitable for complex project management.
  • Limited performance of the tool.
  • Lack of advanced features. 

Todoist Cost and Free Version:

Todoist offers a free plan, but it is minimal.

  • Free plan: Suitable for individuals.
  • Personal plan: $4 for small companies.
  • Business plan: $6/user/month for larger companies.

8. Teamwork

Teamwork is a comprehensive task organization software for planning, tracking, and managing projects, as well as team collaboration and communication.

Its main goal is to simplify task management and increase team productivity. It offers task-tracking tools for creating tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting deadlines, monitoring progress, sharing comments and files, and creating project reports.

Source: https://teamwork.com/

Key Teamwork Features

  • Customizable templates to streamline processes.
  • Kanban boards to visualize project tasks.
  • Project portfolio view.
  • Gantt charts time planner.
  • Prioritization of tasks.

Teamwork Integrations

Teamwork’s website features integrations developed by its own team as well as third-party integrations, including Zoom, Dropbox, Trello, Asana, Jira, Zapier, Evernote, Gmail, GitLab, Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.

Teamwork Pros

  • Customizable templates for all processes.
  • Time tracking.
  • Customizable workflows.
  • Built-in timer for time tracking.

Teamwork Cons

  • The interface can slow down under heavy load.
  • Limited reporting and documentation options.
  • The design looks boring.

Teamwork Cost and Free Version

Free plan: Up to 5 users, with basic features.

  • Deliver plan: $13.99 or $9.99/month, a minimum of 3 users required.
  • Grow plan: $19.99 or $25.99/month (billed annually), a minimum of 5 users.
  • Scale plan: Price on request for larger organizations with complex requirements.

9. Basecamp

Basecamp is a task management website platform for small teams that helps them organize projects, assign tasks, share files and comments, and schedule task deadlines.

 Its main goal is to simplify the work and coordination of different teams.

Source: https://basecamp.com/

Key Basecamp Features

Let’s look at a few useful Basecamp’s task management features:

  • Activity view.
  • To-do lists.
  • Deadlines for tasks.
  • Sharing documents and files.
  • Real-time communication. 

Basecamp Integrations

The list of Basecamp’s available services for integration includes Proposify, Akita, Slickplan, Clockify, Zapier, Zoho, etc.

Basecamp Pros

  • Set up projects and add team members.
  • Comment on tasks and lists.
  • Bookmark to-do lists.
  • Extended customer access.

Basecamp Cons

  • Tasks cannot be assigned priority levels.
  • No free plan.
  • No Kanban or Gantt view.

Basecamp Cost and Free Version

Basecamp doesn’t have a free plan, but it does have a 30-day trial. 

  • Basic plan: $15/user per month for freelancers, startups, or smaller teams.
  • Pro plan: $299/month (unlimited users), billed annually, for growing companies.

10. Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a work and project management platform that lets you create spreadsheets, Gantt charts, calendars, forms, and other tools for project, task, and data management.

Smartsheet’s main goals include improving project and task management and team productivity across various industries and business types. 

Source: https://smartsheet.com/

Key Smartsheet Features

  •  Calendar management.
  • Timesheets.
  • Expense tracking.
  • Gantt charts.
  • Pre-made templates.
  • Bulk upload function. 

Smartsheet Integrations

Among Smartsheet’s integrations are: Slack, Google Workspace, Trello, Asana, Jira, Zapier, Salesforce, Evernote, and others. 

Smartsheet Pros

  • Comprehensive project management software.
  • Automations are available on all plans.
  • Bulk upload feature.
  • Collaborative AI.

Smartsheet Cons

  • No free plan.
  • Security features are locked on the higher-priced plans.
  • Some plans limit daily uploads.
  • Changes aren’t updated in real-time.
  • No time tracking feature.

Smartsheet Cost and Free Version

Smartsheet does not offer a free version of its product. Therefore, the only way to test the functionality and find out if it meets your needs is to use the trial version. Other price options: 

  • Pro plan: $7/user per month (up to 10 users).
  • Business plan: $25/user per month (minimum 3 users, unlimited editors).
  • Enterprise plan: Available on request.

How to Choose the Best Task Management Software

The choice of the best task management app depends on the individual needs of your team. That’s why you must consider all aspects thoroughly before making a decision. Here are some crucial points to consider:

Essential Features

The most essential features for efficient task management include:

  • Task creation: Quick and easy task creation with names, descriptions, and other vital details.
  • Prioritization: Assign priority levels to determine which tasks require urgent attention or have a higher priority.
  • Deadlines: Set deadlines and timeframes to ensure on-time completion and schedule adherence.
  • Progress tracking: Monitor the progress of each task, including status, time remaining, and other metrics to keep projects on track.
  • Notifications and reminders: Customize notifications and reminders to meet deadlines and stay informed about ongoing tasks. 

Team Size and Complexity

Smaller teams may find simple tools with minimal features sufficient. However, larger, more complex teams often require robust software equipped with advanced collaboration and project management features.


Task management solutions should be intuitive and user-friendly for all team members. An easy-to-understand interface reduces training and adaptation time.

User Interface

A good user interface should offer straightforward, user-friendly navigation and be customizable to meet a team’s specific needs.

Software Integrations

Task management software should integrate seamlessly with your team’s existing tools, such as email, calendars, cloud storage, chat applications, and other systems.


Some systems offer trial versions with basic features, while others provide comprehensive paid plans with advanced functionalities.


High-quality IT task management software automates repetitive tasks such as setting reminders, sending deadline notifications, and generating reports automatically. 


Customizing the software to suit your team’s unique needs is crucial, whether it involves adjusting workflows, creating custom reports, or tailoring the user interface to specific project requirements.

FAQ about Task Management Tools

What Is Task Management Software Used for?

Task management software is utilized to efficiently organize, track, and prioritize tasks and projects within teams or individuals.

Task tracking tools aid in assigning tasks, setting deadlines, monitoring progress, collaborating on projects, and ensuring accountability. By centralizing task-related information and streamlining workflows, tools for task management enhance productivity, communication, and project success.

What Are the 5 Stages of Task Management?

The five stages of task management typically include task planning, organizing them by priority and resources, executing, monitoring progress, and closing out tasks upon completion.

Business task management involves defining goals, assigning responsibilities, tracking progress, and evaluating outcomes. This systematic approach ensures tasks are completed efficiently, deadlines are met, and projects are successful.

What Is Task Management Software Best for?

Task management software is ideal for efficiently organizing, prioritizing, and tracking tasks and projects.

It aids in assigning responsibilities, setting deadlines, monitoring progress, and facilitating collaboration within teams or individuals. With features like task lists, calendars, reminders, and progress tracking, task management software enhances productivity, fosters effective communication, and ensures tasks are completed on time and with quality.


If you’re unsure about which task management software best suits your company’s needs and aligns with your business processes, consider trying Planfix CRM. Start with a fully functional 14-day trial today! Our support team is ready to assist you with any questions about the system and how to configure it for optimal use.