The Design of the File Upload Window Has Been Updated
A handy tag shows the number of files you’ve added, plus there’s an option to delete them all in one go:

New Notification Window
There is now a smaller, more attractive notice window instead of the large, full-screen one:

Adding your Own Favicon
Now when you’re linking your domain to Planfix, you now have the option to add your favicon.
This is a game-changer, especially for those of you using Planfix in white-label mode — it tackles that pesky issue we’ve had before:

New Action in Automated Script
Now, you can automatically distribute access rights for tasks, contacts, and due dates. For this, the following actions were added to the script:
— Access to a task has been requested and the task meets the conditions
— Access to a contact has been requested and the contact meets the conditions
— Task due date change has been requested and the task meets the conditions

Simplified Period Selection for the Report
You can now select the desired period for your report without even opening the parameters:

Selecting a Specific Folder Entry in the Variables
You can now talk about a specific folder entry in the variables and grab all the data you need from its fields.
Take the “Contract” folder, for example. Each entry has a different chapter of the contract with its own text. By using variables, we piece together the required text from the selected chapters. We totally recommend using this option since we use it ourselves.
Oh, and here’s a super important thing to keep in mind. For the variable to work the right way, the first field of the folder entry’s gotta be a LINE or NUMBER type: