User profile

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Revision as of 06:46, 19 April 2021 by SliZzzZ (talk | contribs)
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User (employee) profiles contain data and settings related to specific Planfix users. There are two main ways to get to a user's profile:

1. Via the list of online users, available by clicking on the icon with your avatar in the upper right-hand corner. The user viewing the list is always at the top of the list. If you need to go to someone's user card, this is the quickest way to do so:


2. In the Company section, you can see a list of all users. Clicking any user will bring you to their profile (or card):


Regular users only have access to a portion of the data related to other account users. Account administrators and users who have been granted special contact adding and editing access can view and edit all of a contact's information.

User profile structure

User profiles contain several tabs:

Editing user data

When you click the Edit button in a user profile, a window will open, displaying all of the user's data. If you have the appropriate permissions, you will be able to edit this data:


User data Positions, for example, can only be edited in the Edit mode.

In addition to editing data in existing fields, you can also use this window to add additional fields to the employee's profile.

Operations on employees

There are several additional operations you can perform on an employee in their profile, including:

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