Custom roles in project
The translation of this page is done using machine translation technology. We apologize for any inaccuracies and errors.
In Planfix it is possible to create custom (i.e., add their own) role in the project. This mechanism works in the following way:
- One of custom fields, which can be added to the project card is Employee.
- Each attached to a project template field of this type becomes available in the Task templates in the list of Assignees, Participants and Auditors of the task.
This allows you to come up with any role (or several), add them to the project template, then when creating new project template select the specific employees who will perform these roles.
Objectives of the project created by this template will automatically inherit these settings and are placed at selected for this specific project staff.
Creating a custom role
In the edit or create card of project template add a new field:
Choose a field type - "'Employee"' and set its name, then set access rights:
Move the created field to the desired place in the project card:
Now the custom field will be present in all projects created for this template.
Use of custom role in the project task templates
In task templates inside template of this project as the assignee / participant / auditor it is necessary to choose not the concrete person, but the corresponding field of the project:
Создание проекта по шаблону с кастомными ролями
Таким образом, при создании проекта по шаблону, будет достаточно один раз указать, кто в нем будет присутствовать в той или иной роли:
И задачи проекта будут сразу поставлены на выбранных сотрудников:
Изменение пользователя для кастомной роли в созданном проекте
Вы можете заменить сотрудника в выбранной кастомной роли, и распространить это изменение на все задачи проекта, созданные по шаблону с использованием соответствующей роли: