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[ Planfix] ― Planfix is a multifunctional and effective instrument of teamwork management.
[ Planfix] ― Planfix is a multifunctional and effective instrument of teamwork management.

С помощью ПланФикса Вы сможете организовать совместную работу над проектами, задачами и поручениями, а также легко вести учет различных параметров деятельности компании. ПланФикс обеспечит своевременное уведомление о предстоящих делах и задачах, облегчит организацию встреч и корпоративных событий, поможет отслеживать даты, важные для Ваших сотрудников и клиентов. ПланФикс всегда помнит нужные контакты и хранит все обсуждения по проектам и задачам.
Using Planfix, you can organize joint work on projects, tasks and assignments, as well as easily keep records of various parameters of the company's activities. Planfix will ensure timely notification of upcoming works and tasks, ease the organization of meetings and corporate events, help you track the dates important to your employees and customers. Planfix always remembers the necessary contacts and keeps all discussions on projects and tasks.

Мы постарались сделать интерфейс ПланФикса максимально простым и удобным, чтобы Вы могли полностью сосредоточиться на вашем бизнесе.  
We have tried to make Planfix interface as simple and convenient as possible, so that you can fully concentrate on your business.
Для того, чтобы подробно рассказать о функционале ПланФикса, мы создали этот справочный раздел. Он будет корректироваться и дополняться вместе с развитием нашего сервиса.
In order to describe Planfix functionality in detail, we have created this Help section. It will be adjusted and supplemented along with the development of our service.

Revision as of 14:48, 27 June 2017

Planfix ― Planfix is a multifunctional and effective instrument of teamwork management.

Using Planfix, you can organize joint work on projects, tasks and assignments, as well as easily keep records of various parameters of the company's activities. Planfix will ensure timely notification of upcoming works and tasks, ease the organization of meetings and corporate events, help you track the dates important to your employees and customers. Planfix always remembers the necessary contacts and keeps all discussions on projects and tasks.

We have tried to make Planfix interface as simple and convenient as possible, so that you can fully concentrate on your business. In order to describe Planfix functionality in detail, we have created this Help section. It will be adjusted and supplemented along with the development of our service.

Basic facts about Planfix

  • Planfix development started: May 2009.
  • First private version: September 2009.
  • Public beta version: June 24, 2010.
  • We do not publish total number of registrations, as we do not consider it as an indicator of a SaaS-service quality. Information about number of companies (accounts) and users, who work in Planfix is displayed in real time at Planfix site

Important notice

We maintain efficiency of Planfix in actual versions of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex-браузер
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari*

In other browsers we cannot guarantee correct work of Planfix.

* Not all Planfix functionality is supported in Safari.

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