Setting up a workspace for external users

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Like employees, external users can work in various workspaces that they are given access to.

The following rules apply:

  • By default, all external users work in the basic workspace.
  • If an external user is given access to another workspace and it is set as their default in place of the basic workspace, this user will work in the other workspace. They won't see the menu item for selecting a workspace (the rocket) and they won't be able to switch to the basic workspace.

Setting a default workspace for an external user

There are three ways to make a workspace the default one a user will see when they login to Planfix: 1. In the card of an external user (contact), select the workspace in the appropriate section:

<screenshot 1>

2. Set the workspace as default for a list of contacts all at once:

<screenshot 2>

<screenshot 3>

3. When creating or editing a workspace, set it as the default workspace for all contacts with access to it:

<screenshot 4>

Important: this method sets the workspace in all cards of contacts with Planfix access and in all contact and company templates, so that subsequent contacts created using the template will automatically have this workspace set as their default. Values set in this way can subsequently be changed using any of the three methods described above.

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