Notifications for contacts without access
From Planfix
Notifications for contacts without Planfix access and templates for these notifications can be set up in the section Account management - Email - Notifications for external contacts:
Options for outgoing email
The following options are available:
- Use unique reply addresses for each message
- Send up to 10MB in attachments
- Add plain-text version to emails
- Add recent messages from the conversation with the contact
- Specify the email addresses of all recipients in the email
- Add a pixel to track email opens
- Task template for sending emails to contacts
Notification templates
- New task assigned to a contact
- New comment a contact was notified about:
Additional notifications, which are optional:
- Task created from an external contact's incoming email (auto-response)
- Task accepted that an external contact owns
- Status changed of a task an external contact owns:
Please note: Additional notifications are disabled by default.
You can also specify which email addresses do not use to receive robot responses.
These addresses will not be used for:
- Auto-responses;
- Task notifications;
- Emails sent by automated scripts.
If the assigner of a task is an external contact without Planfix access and the assignee is another external contact without access, notifications will not be sent to the assignee.