Selection conditions for objects by dates

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During the selection of objects in filters, Planner lists, or Planfix reports, you may need to specify the required time period for which to make the selection. Planfix has a whole list of such conditions:


The principle of how date conditions work is intuitive in most cases, but some can cause difficulties. Let's break them down with examples for easier understanding.

Any date condition operates with a time period. For example, let's take 7 days.


This is a period of time equal to 7 days that has passed up to and including today:


For instance, today is the 10th of the month. With this condition, objects will be selected from the 4th to the 10th of the month inclusive.


This is a period of time equal to 7 days that will be after today:


For example, today is the 1st of the month. With this condition, objects will be selected from the 2nd to the 8th of the month.


This is the day that will come after the specified number of days:


For instance, we must select objects appearing in 7 days (i.e., on the 8th day) after today. With this condition, if today is the 1st of the month, the objects will be selected for the 9th of the month.


Sometimes there are difficulties in understanding mathematical conditions applied to a date or time period. Below is a picture that will help you understand how to read such conditions:


  • < — less than — select objects whose status change date occurred earlier than the specified day or the beginning of the specified time period.
  • = — equal to — select objects whose status change date is equal to the specified day or time period.
  • > — greater than — select objects whose status change date will occur later than the specified day or the end of the specified time period.

For example, how to understand the condition for the selection parameter Status change date:


The whole sentence looks like this: Planfix, please select objects for me, the status change date of which is less than the beginning of the period last 7 days.

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