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Category:Pages using deprecated source tags
From Planfix
Pages in category "Pages using deprecated source tags"
The following 93 pages are in this category, out of 93 total.
- Planfix API action.add
- Planfix API action.delete
- Planfix API action.get
- Planfix API action.getList
- Planfix API action.getListByPeriod
- Planfix API action.getListWithAnalitic
- Planfix API action.update
- Planfix API analitic.getData
- Planfix API analitic.getDataByCondition
- Planfix API analitic.getGroupList
- Planfix API analitic.getHandbook
- Planfix API analitic.getList
- Planfix API analitic.getOptions
- Planfix API contact.add
- Planfix API contact.delete
- Planfix API contact.get
- Planfix API contact.getFilterList
- Planfix API contact.getGroupList
- Planfix API contact.getList
- Planfix API contact.getPhoneTypes
- Planfix API contact.managePlanfixAccess
- Planfix API contact.update
- Planfix API contact.updateContractors
- Planfix API contact.updateCustomData
- Planfix API contact.updateUserInfo
- Planfix API file.delete
- Planfix API
- Planfix API file.get
- Planfix API file.getHistory
- Planfix API file.getListForClient
- Planfix API file.getListForProject
- Planfix API file.getListForTask
- Planfix API file.getListForUser
- Planfix API file.upload
- Planfix API handbook.addRecord
- Planfix API handbook.getGroupList
- Planfix API handbook.getList
- Planfix API handbook.getRecord
- Planfix API handbook.getRecordMulti
- Planfix API handbook.getRecords
- Planfix API handbook.getStructure
- Planfix API handbook.updateRecord
- Planfix API project.add / Create a project
- Planfix API project.getList
- Planfix API project.update / Update a project's data
- Planfix API task.accept
- Planfix API task.add
- Planfix API task.changeExpectDate
- Planfix API task.changeStatus
- Planfix API task.changeWorkers
- Planfix API task.get
- Planfix API task.getFilterList
- Planfix API task.getList
- Planfix API task.getMulti
- Planfix API task.getPossibleStatusToChange
- Planfix API task.reject
- Planfix API task.update
- Planfix API task.updateCustomData
- Planfix API TaskStatus.getListOfSet
- Planfix API TaskStatus.getSetList
- Planfix API user.actionsAdded
- Planfix API user.add
- Planfix API user.changeStatus
- Planfix API user.get
- Planfix API user.getList
- Planfix API user.update
- Planfix API user.updateGroupMembership
- Planfix API userGroup.add
- Planfix API userGroup.get
- Planfix API userGroup.getHeads
- Planfix API userGroup.getList
- Planfix API userGroup.update
- Planfix API: Authentication
- Planfix API: Authentication using username and password
- Planfix API: Example of getting a list of projects on PHP
- Planfix API: PHP Authentication example using login and password
- Planfix API: project.get
- Planfix API: projectGroup.add
- Planfix API: projectGroup.get
- Planfix API: projectGroup.getList
- Planfix API: projectGroup.move
- Planfix API: projectGroup.update
- Planfix API:contact filters
- Planfix API:Contents of the included lib PHP file
- Planfix API:Creating a digital signature
- Planfix API:project filters
- Planfix API:Task filters