Planfix API action.get

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Function for getting information about an action. Request format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request method="action.get">
Name Type Value Notes int action identifier
signature string(32) signature


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="ok">
      <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
Name Type Value Notes
id int action identifier
description string action description
type enum type of action for a list of possible actions, see the action types section
statusChange the presence of this node indicates that this action has changed the status of the task
statusChange.oldStatus enum old status for a list of valid values, see task statuses
statusChange.newStatus enum new status for a list of valid values, see task statuses
isNotRead bool action not marked as read
fromEmail bool action created from an email
dateTime DateTime date the action was added
task information about the task int task identifier
task.title string task name
contact information about the contact only present if the action was added to a contact
contact.general int contact's phone number string contact's name
owner user who created the action int user identifier string user's name
project the project in which the action was created int project identifier
project.title string project name
taskExpectDateChanged if this node is set, the action changed the task start time
taskExpectDateChanged.oldDate DateTime old time
taskExpectDateChanged.newDate DateTime new time
taskStartTimeChanged if this node is set, the action changed the task start time
taskStartTimeChanged.oldDate DateTime old time
taskStartTimeChanged.newDate DateTime new time
files list of files attached by this action
files.file node describing a file int file identifier string file name
notifiedList list of users who should be notified about the action
notifiedList.user user int user identifier string user's name
analitics list of data tags attached to the action
analitics.analitic data tag int data tag identifier
analitics.analitic.key int data tag data row identifier string data tag name

Otherwise, an error response will be returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="error">

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