Automatic object scenarios

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Revision as of 08:45, 24 October 2023 by Artem (talk | contribs)
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Scripts are a sequence of operations on tasks or contacts performed automatically under certain events and conditions.

Creating a new script

Initially, the list of Object scenarios is empty, and you can add a new one:


Script setup

  • Give the script a descriptive name.
  • Choose the event at which it should be triggered:


  • Specify the conditions under which the script should be triggered.
  • Choose the execution order and the author of the actions:


  • Specify the events that should occur according to the script and enter data in additional fields.
  • Save the script:



  • You can debug scripts in Test mode.
  • Scripts are available for all subscription plans. The number of scenarios that can be added within an object depends on the Plan that your account has. In the free version of Planfix, you can add only one automatic script.
  • If the script contains a bulk change of tasks (example: Change other tasksTasks in the same project as the current one, By template), then such a change will be applied to a maximum of 150 tasks that meet the condition for triggering this operation.


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