Moving tasks between lists

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Moving tasks in a planner will cause their parameters to change. The general rule for these changes is the following:

After moving a task to a different list (or column), the task acquires the parameters by which tasks are selected in this new list

All of the selection parameters listed in the selection conditions for the Planner list are applied to the task sequentially, in the order in which they are specified in the list of selection parameters.

If there are several standard conditions in the list, only the last condition will be applied. For example, if the list of conditions is status 1 OR status 2, status 2 will be used. This logic exists so that you can explicitly indicate which condition should be applied — simply list it last.

Moving a task to a different calendar column (in the same list)

Moving a task in the task calendar will change its planned completion date:


Note that when the deadline is changed to the current date, the task is no longer overdue and is now displayed in a "normal" color.

Moving a task to a different planner list

Drag a task from the list with "In progress" tasks (selection condition Task status = In progress) to the "Ready for review" list (selection condition Task status = Ready for review):


The task didn't just move from one column to another; this move changed its status to "Ready for review."

Another example

Tasks are selected to display in different columns based on their stage, with a different employee responsible for each stage.

  • Selection parameters in the first list: Status = "Inspection" and Assignee = John Newton,
  • Selection parameters in the second list: Status = "Selecting replacement car" and Assignee = Mary Goodman.

When moving a task between these lists, the status changes from "Inspection" to "Selecting replacement car," and the assignee changes from Newton to Goodman:


If you hold down the Ctrl key while moving a task between these lists, the task will appear in the "Selecting replacement car" list, but it will end up with two assignees: Newton and Goodman.


This happens because holding down the Ctrl key when moving a task causes Planfix to attempt to supplement some of the task's fields with data specified in the selection parameters for the list the task is being moved to.

This isn't possible for fields that can contain only one value, such as the system field "Status." For these fields, data from the selection conditions in the list the task is being moved to replaces the data previously stored in the task. That's why the status in the example changed from "Inspection" to "Selecting replacement car."

The system field "Assignee" can contain several values, so the current assignee, John Newton, will not be deleted. The task will simply get an additional assignee, Mary Goodman.

At the moment, this works for two types of fields:

Moving contacts in a Planner

  • If you drag a contact from the contact list displayed in a planner to the list of tasks in the planner, a window will open -offering to create a task. Moreover, the contact will automatically be populated as the counterparty in the task created;
  • If you drag a contact to a calendar, Planfix will offer to create a task with this counterparty for a certain time;
  • The selection parameters for planner lists also affect the parameters of contacts created in them using the quick or advanced method.

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