Task and contact filter testing mode

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Testing Mode for task and contact filters

Testing Mode for task and contact filters lets you test whether a specific task or contact meets the filter selection parameters and, if not, why.

  • Click on the name of the task or contact filter and select Edit in the menu that appears:
  • Click on the flask icon to activate the testing mode:

After you have activated the testing mode, you will be able to select an object to test at the top of the script settings window:

Once you select an object and start testing, planfix will outline each condition in green or red. A green outline means that the condition is met for the object you selected, while a red outline implies that it is not met:

The line containing the logical expression that links the conditions is also outlined. A red outline indicates that the object does not meet the selection parameters or the conditions of the logical expression, and the script is therefore not triggered:

If a field that is used to group filter entries is missing in a task or contact, the grouping block will also have a red outline:

How testing mode is used[edit] Sequentially review each condition outlined in red. Adjust the condition or the values of the tested object (task, contact) so that the condition is met. Repeat the test. Continue these processes until only the conditions outlined in green are still present in the testing mode.

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