From Planfix
The translation of this page is done using machine translation technology. We apologize for any inaccuracies and errors.
Action is the basic unit of work in Planfix. Any action occurs on a task. All retained actions attached to a task and can be viewed in the card task (under "Actions and comments"), as well as in see "Planfix!" To the task you can add any number of actions.
Basic operation
Useful links
- What does different color of the action mean?
- How to add a comment to the task?
- Hidden (private) comments
- How to change the task status?
- How to add employee to the task?
- How to remove employee from task assignees?
- How do I attach a file to the task?
- How to change the date of task completion?
- How to keep track of work time for the task?
- How to set a reminder for a task at a certain time?
- Is it possible to add multiple options in one action?
- How to view employee's actions list?
- How to view my actions list?
- How to add the action by means of email?
- How do I add information from a directory to a comment?