How to link the Planfix general chat to Telegram

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The Planfix general chat can be linked to a Telegram chat. When this is done, employees and contacts can participate in the chat who may not have Planfix access.

The chat is linked using the basic Planfix bot for Telegram, @planfix_bot. As a link between Telegram and Planfix, it can transfer information in both directions:

  • Send messages from Planfix tasks to a Telegram chat.
  • Send Telegram chat messages to Planfix tasks.

1. Authorizing Telegram in Planfix


  • Go to the Subscriptions and notifications section and click to toggle the switch to the right:


  • A window will open in Telegram with the Planfix bot. Click "Restart":


A message will appear if authorization is successful:


If authorization didn't complete, make sure Telegram isn't blocked in your country and that it's working on your device.


Each member of the chat who uses Planfix must complete the steps above. This enables their name and account to be linked to Telegram messages transferred to Planfix. If a member of the chat doesn't do this, Planfix will automatically create a new contact when it receives a Telegram message from them, and the message will be added with the "new" contact's info.

2. Linking a Telegram chat to the general Planfix chat

  • Add the Planfix bot to the desired Telegram group (or chat). Be sure to add the bot in the group settings, as if you were adding a regular participant:


  • Once the bot has been successfully added, a list of commands will appear.
  • Type /connectchat and send a message. The Telegram chat will be linked to the Planfix general chat:


3. New messages

Now any new messages in the Telegram chat will be sent to the task, and you can respond directly from Planfix.

Chat in Telegram:


General chat in Planfix:


Note that the basic Planfix bot is able to create tasks and projects and switch between them. This makes it possible to work in Planfix straight from a Telegram chat. More in our help section.

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