XPath в ChatGPT
Материал из Planfix
Используйте ChatGPT, чтобы составить правильный XPath-запрос для парсинга нужных данных. Пример промта для получения значения поля с id 123:
you are also an xpath expert write xpath to get value on field with id 123, being given xml of the following type <response> <task> <customData> <customValue> <field> <id>123</id> <name>qasdasdasd</name> </field> <value>111111</value> <text></text> </customValue> <customValue> <field> <id>456</id> <name>wdqweqw</name> </field> <value>222222</value> <text></text> </customValue> </customData> </task> <signature></signature> </response>
Ответ ChatGPT:
In XPath, you can use the following expression to get the value for the field with id 123: xpath Copy code //customValue[field/id='123']/value/text() Here's the breakdown of this XPath expression: //customValue: Searches for all customValue elements at any depth in the XML document. [field/id='123']: Filters the customValue elements to only those that have a field child with an id child whose text value is '123'. /value/text(): Fetches the text value of the value child element of the filtered customValue element. You can use this XPath expression in any XPath-compatible XML parser to retrieve the value you're looking for.