Merging contacts

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Merging multiple contacts

Contacts can be merged as needed. To do this, you must select the desired contacts in any list and click Merge in the operations menu:



In addition

  • Planfix will attempt to combine the data in the contact fields, where possible. For example, contact names will not be combined into one Name field, but all phone numbers and email addresses from the contact cards will be added to the merged contact.
  • The new merged contact will replace the original contacts in all tasks where they had any role.


A user can only merge contacts if he has the right to edit these contacts.

Merging a contact and an employee

To merge an employee and a contact, go to the contact card and start the merging procedure:


In addition

  • Only email addresses, phone numbers, and actions related to tasks, except files and data tags, are transferred from the contact to the employee.
  • All employee fields are prioritized over the contact fields and are never overwritten.
  • After the merge, the contact will disappear.
  • If the contact participated in tasks, the employee will become the participant.
  • The contact fields are not transferred to the employee and are lost. At the same time, in the task fields in which the contact is set as a value, an employee will replace this contact if the field type can contain employees.

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