Planfix API task.update

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A function for updating task information. Request format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request method="task.update">
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
Name Type Value Notes
silent bool 1 = when there are task updates, notifications aren't sent, actions aren't created, and entries aren't added to the task log the value 1 is required for bulk periodic task updates
id int ID of the task being updated
general int task number (if given, used instead of ID)
title string task name
description string what the task is about; description
importance enum priority for a list of valid values, see the task priority section
status enum/int task status Possible values can be found in the System task statuses section; or status IDs received as a result of calling the TaskStatus.getListOfSet function
statusSet int task process Process IDs can be retrieved by calling the TaskStatus.getSetList function
checkResult bool whether or not the task has mandatory result checking
owner task creator not required. If not specified, the user who executes the function will be used int user identifier
parent parent task not required int identifier of the task that will be the parent task value 0 (zero) allowed
project the project in which the task should be placed int project identifier
client counterparty not required int counterparty identifier value 0 is allowed
startDateIsSet bool whether or not a start date is set
startDate Date start date the get started field in the Planfix interface
startTimeIsSet bool whether or not a start time is set  
startTime Time start time the get started field in the Planfix interface
endDateIsSet bool whether or not an end date is set  
endDate Date start date the finish before field in the Planfix interface
endTimeIsSet bool whether or not an end time is set  
endTime Time end time the finish before field in the Planfix interface
isSummary bool (0/1) task is a summary task  
durationIsSet bool (0/1) whether or not a duration is set  
duration int duration  
durationUnit int 0 - minutes; 1 - hours; 2 - days  
workers root element of the list of task assignees
workers.users root element of the list of users to whom the task is assigned int identifier of the user to whom the task is assigned
workers.groups root element of the list of groups to whom the task is assigned int group identifier
members root element of the list of task participants
members.users root element of the list of task participants int identifier of a task participant
members.groups root element of the list of participant groups int participant group identifier
auditors root element of the list of task auditors; the same as assignees and members
customData values of task custom fields task custom field identifier
customData.customValue.value custom task field value (for task set, employee list, and directory entry set field types, separate identifiers with commas in square brackets)

Dates may be added in one of two formats. First is the short format, which specifies only a date, year, and month. Second is the long format, which also specifies start/end time, if required for the task.

Default values will be used where parameters aren't set (except for id). Successful execution of this API call will update task data as specified in the call.

Response when function is successfully executed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="ok">
Name Type Value Notes int ID of the task being updated

Otherwise, an error response will be returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="error">

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