Inserting all task files into a document

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You can insert all files currently attached to a task into a document created using a template. To do this, you must use the {{Task.task file}} variable

For this to work correctly, this variable must be inserted in a table section of the template, similar to what is done when inserting data from data tags attached to a task.

When creating a document from the template, this row will be automatically multiplied to reflect the number of files in the task.

The {{Task.task file}} variable has the following fields available:

  • record sequence number
  • identifier
  • name
  • name without extension
  • image - this is the physical file: the image will be added to this place in the document

Useful information

  • If you insert a {{Task.task file}} variable outside of a table in a Word template, information about only one document will be added to the final document.

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