Automatic creation of tasks from data tag lines

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Revision as of 09:09, 28 November 2023 by Aliona (talk | contribs)
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You can automatically create new tasks or subtasks from the added data tags. To do this, use the script from the task process with the action One data tag line is added and the task meets the conditions and specify the name of the data tag with which tasks are to be created:


Next, select the action Create tasks based on the data tag process in the script settings (1).

  • Specify (2):
    • the template to be created from
    • position
    • parent task (if necessary)
  • Select (3):
    • the data tag with which the task is to be created
    • in which task is it added
    • in the "Use" item — Data tag line from the script event — this means that a separate task will be created for each data tag line
  • Specify the required values in the fields of the new task from the data tag fields (4):


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