Different ways to link assignees

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In a task's additional settings, you can select the method of linking assignees:


  • This task has multiple assignees. This is the default option, where a task's assignees are all the users added to the Assignee field.
  • Subtask for each assignee. A separate subtask will be created for each assignee entered in the "Assignee" field (or each member of the group added to the field). Each assignee will be the sole assignee of their own task ( more).
  • Checklist item for each assignee. A checklist item will be added for each assignee entered in the "Assignee" field (or each member of the group added to the field). Each assignee will be the assignee of their own checklist item. Only a checklist item's assignee can mark the item as complete; this option will not be available to other task assignees. This helps with objectives such as having employees familiarize themselves with instructions or other important information.
  • The first user to accept will become the assignee, and the rest will be participants. This option's logic comes into play when a task is accepted. This option is used to set up a competitive task accepting for sales teams, support teams, etc. The essence of this approach is that the first person to accept a new task (a request, lead, etc.) will be responsible for completing it.
  • The first user to accept will become to the assignee, and the rest will be removed from the task. This option could be used in the same instances as the previous option, but its logic is slightly different. With the previous option, the other assignees remain in the task as Participants and retain access to the task. However, with this option, they do not remain in the task and do not have access to it.

Please note

All of these options only use the users that you add to the Assignee field.

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